Monday Jun 21, 2021
Being Careless with a Crocodile Changed Ron Magill’s Life for the Better
Zoologist, and Communicators Director, Zoo Miami
Show notes and links:
My guest for this BONUS episode of the My Favorite Mistake podcast is Ron Magill, the communications director for the Miami-Dade Zoological Park and Gardens (or Zoo Miami) — he’s a zoologist and his “favorite mistake” story is one that only a zoologist could tell.
I recently did another bonus episode with five personalities from the Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz. Ron is a weekly guest each Tuesday on their show. For that original bonus episode, I encouraged people to make donations to the Ron Magill Conservation Endowment, as I did. I hope you'll consider doing the same and it's a great cause.
Today, Ron shares a story about how being young and cocky and careless with a crocodile managed was a "favorite mistake" because it happened for a reason... and it made his life better!
I was able to get this story via the Cameo app and you can also buy a personalized message from him there, if you like.